Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lifestyle of a Vegetarian

Being a vegetarian is a lifestyle many people choose to live. There are many reasons why people decide being a vegetarian is the right lifestyle for them. Some people do not eat meat because of religious views, others because of the health benefits or some people, like myself, choose to become a vegetarian because of their feelings towards animal rights.

Animal cruelty happens everywhere throughout the world. Animals are treated very unfair and poorly. Animals have feelings too, this is not the life they should live. God made animals for a reason and we need to treat them with compassion. When you eat meat do you think about how that animal died? Maybe you will after you see this video.

Everyone can make a difference.

Not only do vegetarian save animals, it is also a proven fact that most vegetarians are healthier than those who eat meat. A vegetarian needs to have a healthy, well balanced diet including a variety of foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You can get nutrients you need from these non–meat sources. Meat is a very high in protein food, so vegetarians need to replace the meat with other high protein foods like; nuts, peanut butter, soy foods and dairy products. Being a vegetarian can reduce the risk of heart disease or cancer. It also controls weight and builds stronger bones.

Here are some links vegetarian recipes:
Fruit and Toasted Almond Stuffing
Tortellini Salad

There are different types of vegetarians. There is a type called a vegan. Vegans do not eat any animal products like meat, milk, cheese, eggs or honey. They also choose not to wear clothes containing animal products like leather, wool or silk. There are Lacto-ovo vegetarians, like me, who do not eat meat but do eat eggs and dairy products. Then there are lacto vegetarians and ovo vegetarians. Lacto vegetarians do not eat meat but they eat dairy products and ovo vegetarians do not eat meat but they eat eggs. Everyone can express their vegetarianism in a different way.


  1. I thought your blog was really interesting. I think it's cool how you're a vegetarian. I could never do that. My grandma and grandpa are like hardcore vegan. It's crazy. The video you posted was really sad and made me feel bad for eating Mcdonalds twice this weekend. You're blog was good. Okay bye Josie.

  2. I understand where you are coming from and your point of veiw on animal cruelty. It is wrong. Animals are treated very poorly and if a person would get treated like that everyone would think that it is horrible. So even though they are animals we should treat them with respect and not harm them. Though I agree with you, I could not see myself stop eating meat all the time. Last year in a class, I had to cut open a baby pig. It was the sickest thing I have ever done. After that I have not eaten pork again. Plus at work we sell super good Vegan cookies. :)I think that people should live how they want to live, but they should respect anything that is living.

  3. I agree with Laura about feeling bad for eating big juicy burgers. I never realized how brutal they are to animals. I'd go into detail about the animals but some people might get grossed out. Also, good for you for being so caring about animals!
