Sunday, January 17, 2010

Are you a bully?

Have you ever been bullied? Have you ever bullied someone? Have you ever witnessed someone being bullied, and did nothing? These are questions that many kids can answer yes to. Bullying in schools is getting worse and it is happening at earlier ages. It is estimated that 160,000 children miss school everyday due to fear of attack or intimidation by other students. Kids have started to accept that bullying is just a part of growing up. Sometimes bullying gets very little attention from adults, but in recent years adults have been committed to stop bullying in their schools and communities.

There are different types of bullying, different extents of it, but every type hurts. Many are bullied by words. Made fun of because of their looks, speech, culture, or anything that is not "socially acceptable". Many kids bully others because they are insecure about their own characteristics and want to put the attention on someone else's insecurities so they can feel better about themselves. Kids think you need to be mean to others to fit in with the cool crowd. Bullying will get you no where later in life.

In recent years bullying has gotten more and more attention because it is worsening. Verbal abuse turns into physical abuse. Many children are hospitalized due to physical abuse by their own classmates. Bullying affects everyone differently. Some just brush it off and not worry about it, while others become depressed and even commit suicide. Between 15 to 25 children every year commit suicide because they are being bullied. If you are bullying people, think about how they must feel. Think about how it would feel to be in their shoes. If you see someone being bullied try to stop it, make a difference.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lifestlye of an Anorexic

Many people today are suffering from anorexia, both genders, all ages, all races. Many cases go untreated, many cases die. Anorexia is a mental illness and has the highest mortality rate of all mental illnesses. People suffering from anorexia get stereotyped, judged, made fun of. Many people do not realize the pain they are in, how insecure they are. Many people think they are just "seeking for attention". Many people suffering from anorexia don't even realize they have it.

People suffering from anorexia are convinced they are overweight. They excessively exercise, intake laxative and do not eat. They have an intense fear for becoming fat. When they look at themselves they see themselves bigger than they really are. Anorexia is common of those in the higher social class, where thinness is looked upon.

Anorexia is becoming common in younger ages. 95% of those who suffer from anorexia are between the ages 12-25. 80% of 13 year olds see themselves as overweight and have attempted to lose weight. People can overcome anorexia, they just need the right treatment and the right support from everyone around them.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Lifestyle of a Vegetarian

Being a vegetarian is a lifestyle many people choose to live. There are many reasons why people decide being a vegetarian is the right lifestyle for them. Some people do not eat meat because of religious views, others because of the health benefits or some people, like myself, choose to become a vegetarian because of their feelings towards animal rights.

Animal cruelty happens everywhere throughout the world. Animals are treated very unfair and poorly. Animals have feelings too, this is not the life they should live. God made animals for a reason and we need to treat them with compassion. When you eat meat do you think about how that animal died? Maybe you will after you see this video.

Everyone can make a difference.

Not only do vegetarian save animals, it is also a proven fact that most vegetarians are healthier than those who eat meat. A vegetarian needs to have a healthy, well balanced diet including a variety of foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. You can get nutrients you need from these non–meat sources. Meat is a very high in protein food, so vegetarians need to replace the meat with other high protein foods like; nuts, peanut butter, soy foods and dairy products. Being a vegetarian can reduce the risk of heart disease or cancer. It also controls weight and builds stronger bones.

Here are some links vegetarian recipes:
Fruit and Toasted Almond Stuffing
Tortellini Salad

There are different types of vegetarians. There is a type called a vegan. Vegans do not eat any animal products like meat, milk, cheese, eggs or honey. They also choose not to wear clothes containing animal products like leather, wool or silk. There are Lacto-ovo vegetarians, like me, who do not eat meat but do eat eggs and dairy products. Then there are lacto vegetarians and ovo vegetarians. Lacto vegetarians do not eat meat but they eat dairy products and ovo vegetarians do not eat meat but they eat eggs. Everyone can express their vegetarianism in a different way.